Saturday, July 2, 2011

"I Dream of Chicago"

Welp I've taken an unintentional hiatus from the blogging world. What have I been doing you ask? Well I wish I could say I've been traveling the world, soaking up the sun in the carribean, making guest appearances on a variety of talk shows or falling madly in love. Alas, I'm still here, in the same place I was when I last signed off.

Several weeks of power outages, work marathons, missing internet, arguments with my neighbor followed by a visit from the Fairway PD and flooded basements and I'm back. Wiser and poorer.

Yes the "build Rachel a privacy fence fund" has become a reality, only the donations aren't pouring in as I'd hoped. Thus my credit line is swiftly shrinking. Still getting quotes and each one hurts more than the last. Updates on this to follow shortly.

In the meantime it's hotter than a black lab on a hot summer day here at the Ogren's. Poor black labbies, constant panting and drooling going on over here. Sorry puppies but mommy has to build a new fence to keep creepy neighbor out, can't afford to turn the air up.

Mindset is solemn these days. I find myself "dreaming of Chicago" and the family that lives there. About those that I continue to reach out to and continue to be disappointed by. So to cheer me up I've added a nice selection of solemn songs to my blog so turn up the audio! Thanks to Jami Nato of The Natos for helping me figure out how to do this. Enjoy. I swear to come back again soon.


  1. Hold the phone...the basement flooded?? Boo! Tell all.

    We got in a fight once w Nate. Except his wife was the one that got all crazy on his. She fights his battles. LOL. dysfunctional!

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