Friday, January 20, 2012

A Lesson from the Four Legged

So yesterday at work was maybe my least favorite day of my adult life ever. There was a series of poor communication followed by me getting my ass chewed for something that wasn't even a little bit my fault.

Why do physicians think that they can treat nurses like crap? Just because we have different initials after our names and didn't spend out entire lives in school they think they have permission to walk all over us. Well I've got news for you certain jerk of a man who shall go unnamed (you know who you are), we are all in this for the same reason, the PATIENT, so get over yourself and start acting like a man not a penis.

Okay, now I feel better. Don't worry, I got my revenge via the PSN...mwahhhhhaa.

So thankfully following that I have three days off which seems like a much needed vacation. Alas, all I've been able to think about is the incident. So in an effort to get it off my mind I went to visit the doggies at the shelter.

As I was throwing a tennis ball for an adorable black labbie I had a revelation. Why can't we talk a lesson from the dogs? Imagine if everyone at work smiled from ear to ear and wagged their tail (not sure what the human equivalent of this is..) when you showed up. Imagine if they wanted nothing more to serve you and make you happy and you for them. What a world that would be. I'm just saying, it's worth looking into.

It definitely made me think though, why would I volunteer to go to work and get treated like crap? Granted this is not an every day occurrence. I would have been long gone if it were. And I love the nurses I work with, they are my family. I just think I'd rather surround myself with tail wagging happy eyed dogs who want nothing more from me then a pat on the butt and to be allowed to lick my face.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that happened to you! And good point with the doggies. I hope your days off help get you in better spirits.
