Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Debt Ceiling?

Stress. I'm feeling it. While a bunch of idiot congressmen are fighting over the debt of our country, I'm fighting over my debt. With myself. With a large hike in taxes and never ending credit card debt I find myself spending the majority of my days off these days in front of my budget.

Every time I think I have a plan and am on track, bam, Euns gets an ear infection and there goes $300+ at the vet. Yes people, I'm spending more on my dogs than myself these days. They're worth it. Even if I have to be on the "eat Ramon noodles every night" type of budget. Good for the wallet, bad for the sodium.

On top of that the heat still will not let up. It's been 100+ for days and days. I've given up on watering the grass because it's not making a damn difference and it's costing me an arm and a leg. I'm so ready for fall. For pumpkins and holidays and the start of my twenty-fifth year, hoping it brings what I'm looking for.

Meanwhile my fence is done. Didn't go exactly as planned. In fact it didn't go at all as planned. Long story leading to me still having to look at my neighbors. The fence is only in the back. It's nice to have some privacy from the weirdos at the pool though. Even this is not without stress.  Enjoy the beauty anyways. And Scoutie going peeps in the foreground.


  1. Hey wanna come lay by my apartment pool for a while on Friday? Free entertainment!

  2. do you like dave ramsey? we have all of his CD's if you want to borrow them?

  3. Jami I went to a Dave Ramsey conference and have his book....I"m trying real hard to follow it but it's difficult to stop racking up credit card debt when you have no savings :(
